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Introducing our dynamic wall art piece, a fusion of an impactful quote from Akira Kurosawa's "Seven Samurai" - "Even bears come down from the mountains when they're hungry" - and the intricate, tactile quality of etching. Our digital artwork captures the raw, primal essence embodied in the quote, translating it into a visually striking etched design that emphasizes the stark reality of survival and the challenges life presents.


The etching technique infuses the artwork with depth and texture, enhancing the overall effect of the imagery and the resonating quote. This compelling composition, through its stark lines and stark monochromatic style, embodies the inherent tension and high stakes prevalent in Kurosawa's film.


Suitable for any space, this piece stands as a unique representation of survival instinct, adversity, and the human will to overcome, thereby making a bold statement about the power of cinema and art to echo real-life sentiments.

Even Bears Come Down from the Mountains When They're Hungry

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